Margaret Doherty - RN, MHSM. Aesthetician (Director Owner)

Posted by Emma Heaney on

Margaret trained as Nurse in St James Hospital Leeds she move to Northern Ireland in 1984 , she is a retired clinical services nurse manager . Early in her career she demonstrated to be a forward thinking dynamic manager with a patient centred approach to care, Margaret has a vast experience in General medicine, Care of the elderly , Emergency medicine , Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics .

Margaret was involved in the implementation of several innovative initiatives in Altnagelvin Area hospitals from 1994 -2003 she was actively involved in implementing and sustaining the Health Promoting Hospital status in association World Health Organisation , this exciting role witness Margaret visiting several hospital around the world . Margaret also took the lead role in ascertaining The patient charter mark for the North West midwifery service .

In 2012 Margaret trained in the exciting field of aesthetic medicine which she has recently retired from practice but a still has a wonderful presence in the clinic.

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